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7 Signs That You Might Have a Hormonal Imbalance

Hormone imbalances can affect women at any stage of life, not just during menopause. An imbalance of hormones can cause symptoms that greatly reduce a woman’s quality of life. While some of these signs can be caused by other health issues they can also be common signs of a hormonal imbalance.

    1. Irregular Periods – Menstrual cycles should occur regularly every 21-35 days. If your period is irregular or skips some months you may have an issue with your estrogen and progesterone levels.
    2. Loss Of Libido – Low levels of testosterone in women can decrease interest in sex.  This can put extra strain on relationships.
    3. Appetite and Weight Gain – Drops in estrogen levels have been linked to weight gain. The hormone leptin controls our food intake. It’s production can be affected by drops in estrogen.
    4. Sleep Problems – Progesterone levels that are low can cause trouble falling and staying asleep. Low estrogen can cause night sweats and hot flashes which also impact sleep.
    5. Mood Swings and Irritability – Drops in hormone levels can cause moodiness. Estrogen levels can alter production of serotonin and dopamine, both of which affect mood.
    6. Acne – Breakouts during the teenage years and around the time of your period are common. Constant acne as an adult can be a sign of an imbalance of androgens.
    7. Constant Fatigue – High progesterone levels or low thyroid levels can cause fatigue, one of the most common signs of a hormonal imbalance.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms you may have a hormonal imbalance. Forum Health Greenville can help. We offer bio-identical hormone replacement, an effective treatment for hormonal imbalance.

